Source code for dasbus.structure

# Support for DBus structures
# Copyright (C) 2019  Red Hat, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301
import inspect
from abc import ABCMeta
from typing import get_type_hints

from dasbus.typing import get_variant, get_type_arguments, unwrap_variant, \
    is_base_type, Structure, List

__all__ = [

# Class attribute for DBus fields.
DBUS_FIELDS_ATTRIBUTE = "__dbus_fields__"

[docs]class DBusStructureError(Exception): """General exception for DBus structure errors.""" pass
class DBusField(object): """Description of a field in a DBus structure.""" def __init__(self, name, type_hint, description=""): """Create a description of the field. :param name: a name of the field :param type_hint: a type hint :param description: a description """ self._name = name self._type_hint = type_hint self._description = description @property def name(self): """Name of the field. :return: a name """ return self._name @property def type_hint(self): """Type hint of the field. :return: a type hint """ return self._type_hint @property def description(self): """Description of the field. :return: a description """ return self._description @property def data_name(self): """Return name of a data attribute. :return: a data attribute name """ return'-', '_') def set_data(self, obj, value): """Set the data attribute. :param obj: a data object :param value: a value """ setattr(obj, self.data_name, value) def set_data_variant(self, obj, variant): """Set the data attribute from a variant. :param obj: a data object :param variant: a variant """ self.set_data(obj, unwrap_variant(variant)) def get_data(self, obj): """Get the data attribute. :param obj: a data object :return: a value """ return getattr(obj, self.data_name) def get_data_variant(self, obj): """Get a variant of the data attribute. :param obj: a data object :return: a variant """ return get_variant(self.type_hint, self.get_data(obj)) class DBusDataField(DBusField): """Description of a data field in a DBus structure.""" def __init__(self, name, data_type, description=""): """Create a description of the field. :param name: a name of the field :param data_type: a subclass of DBusData :param description: a description """ super().__init__(name, Structure, description) self._data_type = data_type @property def data_type(self): """Type of the data structure. :return: a subclass of DBusData """ return self._data_type def set_data(self, obj, value): """Set the data attribute.""" value = self._data_type.from_structure(value) super().set_data(obj, value) def get_data_variant(self, obj): """Get a variant of the data attribute.""" value = self._data_type.to_structure(self.get_data(obj)) return get_variant(self._type_hint, value) class DBusDataListField(DBusField): """Description of a data list field in a DBus structure.""" def __init__(self, name, data_type, description=""): """Create a description of the field. :param name: a name of the field :param data_type: a subclass of DBusData :param description: a description """ super().__init__(name, List[Structure], description) self._data_type = data_type @property def data_type(self): """Type of the data structure. :return: a subclass of DBusData """ return self._data_type def set_data(self, obj, value): """Set the data attribute.""" value = self._data_type.from_structure_list(value) super().set_data(obj, value) def get_data_variant(self, obj): """Get a variant of the data attribute.""" value = self._data_type.to_structure_list(self.get_data(obj)) return get_variant(self._type_hint, value)
[docs]class DBusData(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Object representation of data in a DBus structure. Classes derived from this class should represent specific types of DBus structures. They will support a conversion from a DBus structure of this type to a Python object and back. """ def __init_subclass__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Create a new data class.""" super().__init_subclass__(*args, **kwargs) # Generate the DBus fields from the members of the class cls. setattr( cls, DBUS_FIELDS_ATTRIBUTE, DBusFieldFactory.generate_fields(cls) )
[docs] @classmethod def from_structure(cls, structure: Structure): """Convert a DBus structure to a data object. :param structure: a DBus structure :return: a data object """ if not isinstance(structure, dict): raise TypeError( "Invalid type '{}'.".format(type(structure).__name__) ) data = cls() fields = get_fields(cls) for name, variant in structure.items(): field = fields.get(name, None) if not field: raise DBusStructureError( "Field '{}' doesn't exist.".format(name) ) field.set_data_variant(data, variant) return data
[docs] @classmethod def to_structure(cls, data) -> Structure: """Convert this data object to a DBus structure. :return: a DBus structure """ if not isinstance(data, cls): raise TypeError( "Invalid type '{}'.".format(type(data).__name__) ) structure = {} fields = get_fields(cls) for name, field in fields.items(): structure[name] = field.get_data_variant(data) return structure
[docs] @classmethod def from_structure_list(cls, structures: List[Structure]): """Convert DBus structures to data objects. :param structures: a list of DBus structures :return: a list of data objects """ if not isinstance(structures, list): raise TypeError( "Invalid type '{}'.".format(type(structures).__name__) ) return list(map(cls.from_structure, structures))
[docs] @classmethod def to_structure_list(cls, objects) -> List[Structure]: """Convert data objects to DBus structures. :param objects: a list of data objects :return: a list of DBus structures """ return list(map(cls.to_structure, objects))
def __repr__(self): """Convert this data object to a string.""" return generate_string_from_data(self)
def get_fields(obj): """Return DBus fields of a data object. :param obj: a data object :return: a map of DBus fields """ fields = getattr(obj, DBUS_FIELDS_ATTRIBUTE, None) if fields is None: raise DBusStructureError( "Fields are not defined at '{}'.".format(DBUS_FIELDS_ATTRIBUTE) ) return fields class DBusFieldFactory(object): """A DBus field factory.""" @classmethod def generate_fields(cls, data_class): """Generate DBus fields from properties of a class. Properties of the class will be used to generate a map of a DBus fields. The property should have a getter and a setter, otherwise an error is raised. The type hint of the getter is used to define the type of the DBus field. :param data_class: a data class :return: a map of DBus fields :raise DBusStructureError: if the DBus fields cannot be generated """ fields = {} for member_name, member in inspect.getmembers(data_class): if not cls._is_field(member_name, member): continue name = cls._get_field_name(member_name) type_hint = cls._get_member_hint(name, member) fields[name] = cls._create_field(name, type_hint) if not fields: raise DBusStructureError("No fields found.") return fields @classmethod def _is_field(cls, member_name, member): """Is the member a representation of a DBus field? :param member_name: a name of the class member :param member: a class member :return: True or False """ # Skip private members. if member_name.startswith("_"): return False # Skip all but properties. if not isinstance(member, property): return False return True @classmethod def _get_field_name(cls, member_name): """Get the name of the DBus field. :param member_name: a name of the class member :return: a name of the DBus field """ return member_name.replace('_', '-') @classmethod def _get_member_hint(cls, field_name, member): """Get the type hint of the member. :param field_name: a name of the DBus field :param member: a class member :return: a type hint """ if not member.fset: raise DBusStructureError( "Field '{}' cannot be set.".format(field_name) ) if not member.fget: raise DBusStructureError( "Field '{}' cannot be get.".format(field_name) ) getter_type_hints = get_type_hints(member.fget) type_hint = getter_type_hints.get('return', None) if not type_hint: raise DBusStructureError( "Field '{}' has unknown type.".format(field_name) ) return type_hint @classmethod def _create_field(cls, field_name, member_hint): """Create a representation of a DBus field. :param field_name: a name of the field :param member_hint: a type hint of the member :return: a new instance of DBus field """ if is_base_type(member_hint, DBusData): return DBusDataField(field_name, member_hint) if is_base_type(member_hint, List): (arg_hint, ) = get_type_arguments(member_hint) if is_base_type(arg_hint, DBusData): return DBusDataListField(field_name, arg_hint) return DBusField(field_name, member_hint)
[docs]def generate_string_from_data(obj, skip=None, add=None): """Generate a string representation of a data object. Set the argument 'skip' to skip attributes with sensitive data. Set the argument 'add' to add other values to the string representation. The attributes in the string representation will be sorted alphabetically. :param obj: a data object :param skip: a list of names that should be skipped or None :param add: a dictionary of attributes to add or None :return: a string representation of the data object """ dictionary = {} for field in get_fields(obj).values(): dictionary[field.data_name] = field.get_data(obj) for name in skip or []: dictionary.pop(name, None) for name in add or {}: dictionary[name] = add[name] attributes = sorted([ "{}={}".format(name, repr(value)) for name, value in dictionary.items() ]) return "{}({})".format(obj.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(attributes))
[docs]def compare_data(obj, other): """Compare data of the given data objects. :param obj: a data object :param other: another data object :return: True if the data is equal, otherwise False """ return isinstance(obj, DBusData) \ and isinstance(other, DBusData) \ and (obj.to_structure(obj) == other.to_structure(other))