Source code for dasbus.error

# Support for DBus errors
# Copyright (C) 2019  Red Hat, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

from dasbus.namespace import get_dbus_name

__all__ = [

[docs]def get_error_decorator(error_mapper): """Generate a decorator for DBus errors. Create a function for decorating Python exception classes. The decorator will add a new rule to the given error mapper that will map the class to the specified error name. Definition of the decorator: .. code-block:: python decorator(error_name, namespace=()) The decorator accepts a name of the DBus error and optionally a namespace of the DBus name. The namespace will be used as a prefix of the DBus name. Usage: .. code-block:: python # Create an error mapper. error_mapper = ErrorMapper() # Create a decorator for DBus errors and use it to map # the class ExampleError to the name my.example.Error. dbus_error = create_error_decorator(error_mapper) @dbus_error("my.example.Error") class ExampleError(DBusError): pass :param error_mapper: an error mapper :return: a decorator """ def decorator(error_name, namespace=()): error_name = get_dbus_name(*namespace, error_name) def decorated(cls): error_mapper.add_rule(ErrorRule( exception_type=cls, error_name=error_name )) return cls return decorated return decorator
[docs]class DBusError(Exception): """A default DBus error.""" pass
[docs]class AbstractErrorRule(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Abstract rule for mapping a Python exception to a DBus error.""" __slots__ = []
[docs] @abstractmethod def match_type(self, exception_type): """Is this rule matching the given exception type? :param exception_type: a type of the Python error :return: True or False """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_name(self, exception_type): """Get a DBus name for the given exception type. :param exception_type: a type of the Python error :return: a name of the DBus error """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def match_name(self, error_name): """Is this rule matching the given DBus error? :param error_name: a name of the DBus error :return: True or False """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_type(self, error_name): """Get an exception type of the given DBus error. param error_name: a name of the DBus error :return: a type of the Python error """ pass
[docs]class ErrorRule(AbstractErrorRule): """Rule for mapping a Python exception to a DBus error.""" __slots__ = [ "_exception_type", "_error_name" ] def __init__(self, exception_type, error_name): """Create a new error rule. The rule will return the Python type exception_type for the DBue error error_name. The rule will return the DBue name error_name for the Python type exception_type :param exception_type: a type of the Python error :param error_name: a name of the DBus error """ self._exception_type = exception_type self._error_name = error_name
[docs] def match_type(self, exception_type): """Is this rule matching the given exception type?""" return self._exception_type == exception_type
[docs] def get_name(self, exception_type): """Get a DBus name for the given exception type.""" return self._error_name
[docs] def match_name(self, error_name): """Is this rule matching the given DBus error?""" return self._error_name == error_name
[docs] def get_type(self, error_name): """Get an exception type of the given DBus error.""" return self._exception_type
[docs]class DefaultErrorRule(AbstractErrorRule): """Default rule for mapping a Python exception to a DBus error.""" __slots__ = [ "_default_type", "_default_namespace" ] def __init__(self, default_type, default_namespace): """Create a new default rule. The rule will return the Python type default_type for the all DBus errors. The rule will generate a DBus name with the prefix default_namespace for all Python exception types. :param default_type: a default type of the Python error :param default_namespace: a default namespace of the DBus error """ self._default_type = default_type self._default_namespace = default_namespace
[docs] def match_type(self, exception_type): """Is this rule matching the given exception type?""" return True
[docs] def get_name(self, exception_type): """Get a DBus name for the given exception type.""" return get_dbus_name(*self._default_namespace, exception_type.__name__)
[docs] def match_name(self, error_name): """Is this rule matching the given DBus error?""" return True
[docs] def get_type(self, error_name): """Get an exception type of the given DBus error.""" return self._default_type
[docs]class ErrorMapper(object): """Class for mapping Python exceptions to DBus errors.""" __slots__ = ["_error_rules"] def __init__(self): """Create a new error mapper.""" self._error_rules = [] self.reset_rules()
[docs] def add_rule(self, rule: AbstractErrorRule): """Add a rule to the error mapper. The new rule will have a higher priority than the rules already contained in the error mapper. :param rule: an error rule :type rule: an instance of AbstractErrorRule """ self._error_rules.append(rule)
[docs] def reset_rules(self): """Reset rules in the error mapper. Reset the error rules to the initial state. All rules will be replaced with the default ones. """ # Clear the list. self._error_rules = [] # Add the default rules. self.add_rule(DefaultErrorRule( default_type=DBusError, default_namespace=("not", "known", "Error") ))
[docs] def get_error_name(self, exception_type): """Get a DBus name of the Python exception. Try to find a matching rule in the error mapper. If a rule matches the given exception type, use the rule to get the name of the DBus error. The rules in the error mapper are processed in the reversed order to respect the priority of the rules. :param exception_type: a type of the Python error :type exception_type: a subclass of Exception :return: a name of the DBus error :raise LookupError: if no name is found """ for rule in reversed(self._error_rules): if rule.match_type(exception_type): return rule.get_name(exception_type) raise LookupError( "No name found for '{}'.".format(exception_type.__name__) )
[docs] def get_exception_type(self, error_name): """Get a Python exception type of the DBus error. Try to find a matching rule in the error mapper. If a rule matches the given name of a DBus error, use the rule to get the type of a Python exception. The rules in the error mapper are processed in the reversed order to respect the priority of the rules. :param error_name: a name of the DBus error :return: a type of the Python exception :rtype: a subclass of Exception :raise LookupError: if no type is found """ for rule in reversed(self._error_rules): if rule.match_name(error_name): return rule.get_type(error_name) raise LookupError("No type found for '{}'.".format(error_name))