Source code for dasbus.client.handler

# Client support for DBus objects
# Copyright (C) 2019  Red Hat, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from functools import partial

from import PropertyProxy
from dasbus.error import ErrorMapper
from dasbus.signal import Signal
from dasbus.constants import DBUS_FLAG_NONE
from dasbus.specification import DBusSpecification
from dasbus.typing import get_variant, get_variant_type, unwrap_variant

import gi
gi.require_version("Gio", "2.0")
gi.require_version("GLib", "2.0")
from gi.repository import Gio, GLib

__all__ = [

[docs]class GLibClient(object): """The low-level DBus client library based on GLib.""" # Infinite timeout of a DBus call DBUS_TIMEOUT_NONE = GLib.MAXINT
[docs] @classmethod def sync_call(cls, connection, service_name, object_path, interface_name, method_name, parameters, reply_type, flags=DBUS_FLAG_NONE, timeout=DBUS_TIMEOUT_NONE): """Synchronously call a DBus method. :return: a result of the DBus call """ return connection.call_sync( service_name, object_path, interface_name, method_name, parameters, reply_type, flags, timeout, None )
[docs] @classmethod def async_call(cls, connection, service_name, object_path, interface_name, method_name, parameters, reply_type, callback, callback_args=(), flags=DBUS_FLAG_NONE, timeout=DBUS_TIMEOUT_NONE): """Asynchronously call a DBus method.""" service_name, object_path, interface_name, method_name, parameters, reply_type, flags, timeout, callback=cls._async_call_finish, user_data=(callback, callback_args) )
@classmethod def _async_call_finish(cls, source_object, result_object, user_data): """Finish an asynchronous DBus method call.""" # Prepare the user's callback. callback, callback_args = user_data # Call user's callback. callback( lambda: source_object.call_finish(result_object), *callback_args )
[docs] @classmethod def subscribe_signal(cls, connection, service_name, object_path, interface_name, signal_name, callback, callback_args=(), flags=DBUS_FLAG_NONE): """Subscribe to a signal. :return: a callback to unsubscribe """ subscription_id = connection.signal_subscribe( service_name, interface_name, signal_name, object_path, None, flags, callback=cls._signal_callback, user_data=(callback, callback_args) ) return partial( cls._unsubscribe_signal, connection, subscription_id )
@classmethod def _signal_callback(cls, connection, sender_name, object_path, interface_name, signal_name, parameters, user_data): """A callback that is called when a DBus signal is emitted.""" # Prepare the user's callback. callback, callback_args = user_data # Call user's callback. callback(parameters, *callback_args) @classmethod def _unsubscribe_signal(cls, connection, subscription_id): """Unsubscribe from a signal.""" connection.signal_unsubscribe(subscription_id)
[docs] @classmethod def is_timeout_error(cls, error): """Is it a timeout error?""" return isinstance(error, GLib.Error) \ and error.matches(Gio.io_error_quark(), Gio.IOErrorEnum.TIMED_OUT)
[docs] @classmethod def is_remote_error(cls, error): """Is it a remote DBus error?""" return isinstance(error, GLib.Error) \ and Gio.DBusError.is_remote_error(error)
[docs] @classmethod def get_remote_error_name(cls, error): """Get a DBus name of the remote DBus error.""" return Gio.DBusError.get_remote_error(error)
[docs] @classmethod def get_remote_error_message(cls, error): """Get a message of the remote DBus error.""" name = cls.get_remote_error_name(error) message = error.message prefix = "{}:{}: ".format("GDBus.Error", name) if message.startswith(prefix): return message[len(prefix):] return message
[docs]class AbstractClientObjectHandler(metaclass=ABCMeta): """The abstract handler of a remote DBus object.""" __slots__ = [ "_message_bus", "_service_name", "_object_path", "_specification" ] def __init__(self, message_bus, service_name, object_path): """Create a new handler. :param message_bus: a message bus :param service_name: a DBus name of the service :param object_path: a DBus path the object """ self._message_bus = message_bus self._service_name = service_name self._object_path = object_path self._specification = None @property def service_name(self): """DBus service name. :return: a DBus name """ return self._service_name @property def object_path(self): """DBus object path. :return: a DBus path """ return self._object_path @property def specification(self): """DBus specification.""" if not self._specification: self._specification = self._get_specification() return self._specification @abstractmethod def _get_specification(self): """Introspect the DBus object. :return: a DBus specification """ return DBusSpecification()
[docs] def create_member(self, interface_name, member_name): """Create a member of the DBus object. :param interface_name: a name of the interface :param member_name: a name of the member :return: a signal, a method or a property """ spec = self._find_member_spec(interface_name, member_name) handler = self._find_handler(type(spec)) return handler(spec)
def _find_member_spec(self, interface_name, member_name): """Find a specification of the DBus member. :param interface_name: a name of the interface :param member_name: a name of the member :return: a specification of the member """ return self.specification.get_member( interface_name, member_name ) def _find_handler(self, member_type): """Find a handler for the given member type. :param member_type: a type of the member :return: a callback """ if member_type is DBusSpecification.Property: return self._get_property if member_type is DBusSpecification.Method: return self._get_method if member_type is DBusSpecification.Signal: return self._get_signal raise TypeError( "Unsupported type: {}".format(member_type.__name__) ) @abstractmethod def _get_property(self, property_spec): """Get a proxy of the DBus property. :param property_spec: a property_specification :return: a property object """ pass @abstractmethod def _get_method(self, method_spec): """Get a proxy of the DBus method. :param method_spec: a method specification :return: a callable object """ pass @abstractmethod def _get_signal(self, signal_spec): """Get a proxy of the DBus signal. :param signal_spec: a signal specification :return: a signal object """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def disconnect_members(self): """Disconnect members of the DBus object. Unsubscribe from DBus signals and disconnect all registered callbacks of the proxy signals. """ pass
[docs]class ClientObjectHandler(AbstractClientObjectHandler): """The client handler of a DBus object.""" __slots__ = [ "_client", "_signal_factory", "_error_mapper", "_subscriptions" ] def __init__(self, message_bus, service_name, object_path, error_mapper=None, client=GLibClient, signal_factory=Signal): """Create a new handler. :param message_bus: a message bus :param service_name: a DBus name of the service :param object_path: a DBus path the object :param error_mapper: a DBus error mapper :param client: a DBus client library :param signal_factory: a signal factory """ super().__init__(message_bus, service_name, object_path) self._client = client self._signal_factory = signal_factory self._error_mapper = error_mapper or ErrorMapper() self._subscriptions = [] def _get_specification(self): """Introspect the DBus object.""" xml = self._call_method( "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable", "Introspect", None, "(s)" ) return DBusSpecification.from_xml(xml) def _get_signal(self, signal_spec): """Get a proxy of the DBus signal.""" # Create a signal. signal = self._signal_factory() # Subscribe to a DBus signal. unsubscribe = self._client.subscribe_signal( self._message_bus.connection, self._service_name, self._object_path, signal_spec.interface_name,, callback=self._signal_callback, callback_args=(signal.emit,) ) # Keep the subscriptions. self._subscriptions.append(unsubscribe) self._subscriptions.append(signal.disconnect) return signal def _signal_callback(self, parameters, callback): """A callback that is called when a DBus signal is emitted.""" callback(*unwrap_variant(parameters)) def _get_property(self, property_spec): """Get a proxy of the DBus property.""" getter = None setter = None if property_spec.readable: getter = partial(self._get_property_value, property_spec) if property_spec.writable: setter = partial(self._set_property_value, property_spec) return PropertyProxy(getter, setter) def _get_property_value(self, property_spec): """Get a value of the DBus property.""" variant = self._call_method( "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "Get", "(ss)", "(v)", property_spec.interface_name, ) return unwrap_variant(variant) def _set_property_value(self, property_spec, property_value): """Set a value of the DBus property.""" return self._call_method( "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "Set", "(ssv)", None, property_spec.interface_name,, get_variant(property_spec.type, property_value) ) def _get_method(self, method_spec): """Get a callable proxy of the DBus method.""" return partial( self._call_method, method_spec.interface_name,, method_spec.in_type, method_spec.out_type ) def _call_method(self, interface_name, method_name, in_type, out_type, *parameters, **kwargs): """Call a DBus method. :return: a result of the call or None """ # Create variants. if not parameters: parameters = None if in_type is not None: parameters = get_variant(in_type, parameters) # Create variant types. reply_type = None if out_type is not None: reply_type = get_variant_type(out_type) # Collect arguments. args = ( self._message_bus.connection, self._service_name, self._object_path, interface_name, method_name, parameters, reply_type, ) # Get the callback. callback = kwargs.pop("callback", None) callback_args = kwargs.pop("callback_args", tuple()) # Choose the type of invocation. if not callback: return self._get_method_reply( self._client.sync_call, *args, **kwargs, ) else: return self._client.async_call( *args, **kwargs, callback=self._method_callback, callback_args=(callback, callback_args) ) def _method_callback(self, getter, callback, callback_args): """A callback of an asynchronous DBus method call.""" callback( lambda: self._get_method_reply(getter), *callback_args ) def _get_method_reply(self, call, *args, **kwargs): """Get a result of a DBus call. :param call: a callback :param args: arguments of the callback :param kwargs: keyword arguments of the callback :return: a result of the callback :raise: an exception raised by the callback """ try: result = call(*args, **kwargs) return self._handle_method_result(result) except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except return self._handle_method_error(error) def _handle_method_error(self, error): """Handle an error of a DBus call. If the call returned a DBus error, it will be mapped to a Python exception based on the rules defined in the available error mapper. It should be a subclass of DBusError. :param error: an exception raised during the call :raise Exception: if the call unexpectedly failed :raise TimeoutError: if the DBus call timed out :raise DBusError: if the call returned a DBus error """ if self._client.is_remote_error(error): # Handle a remote DBus error. name = self._client.get_remote_error_name(error) cls = self._error_mapper.get_exception_type(name) message = self._client.get_remote_error_message(error) # Create a new exception. exception = cls(message) exception.dbus_name = name # Raise a new instance of the exception class. raise exception from None if self._client.is_timeout_error(error): # Handle a timeout error. raise TimeoutError( "The DBus call timeout was reached." ) from None # Or re-raise the original error. raise error def _handle_method_result(self, result): """Handle a result of a DBus call. :param result: a variant tuple """ # Unwrap a variant tuple. values = unwrap_variant(result) # Return None if there are no values. if not values: return None # Return one value. if len(values) == 1: return values[0] # Return multiple values. return values
[docs] def disconnect_members(self): """Disconnect members of the DBus object.""" while self._subscriptions: callback = self._subscriptions.pop() callback()